
Spicy Meatballs
Classic Italian American spicy meatballs made with JD Seasonings Spicy Meatballs
Perfect Spicy meatballs and Napoli sauce every time.
This classic Italian-American dish is perfect with pasta, rice or in a sub roll with some melted cheese.
- 1 x pot of jd's spicy meatballs
- 500g minced pork or beef, typically less than 5% fat ( we recommend pork for a lighter meatball )
- 1/2 x onion
- 2 x 400g tinned tomatoes
- 400ml vegetable stock
- 500g dried spaghetti
- Low calorie cooking spray
- 4 - 5 fresh basil leaves
Place the mince meat into a large bowl and sprinkle in the pot of JD Seasonings spicy meatballs and mix well then hand roll into 16 to 18 balls.
Step ":
Spray a frying pan with low calorie cooking and place over a medium heat then add the meatballs and gently fry until lightly browned all over then remove and set aside.
Spray a large pan with a lid with low calorie cooking and place over a medium heat, add the onions and cook until softened then add the meatballs and mix well.
Now pour in the stock and the tomatoes, turn the heat up and bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes stirring occasionally.
Remove the lid, add the fresh basil and cook for a further 10 to 15 minutes or until the sauce thickens.
Cook the spaghetti to packet instructions, serve into bowls and top with the meatballs and sauce.
Enjoy !!
JD Seasoings